Welcome, I'm so glad you are here...
I can go back into my youngest memories,and they were all about creating. It is what gets me excited, and always has. I can reminisce with a smile on my face as a little kindergartner running to the corner of the class filled with multiple easels, each way taller than me, set up for a King, and I’m eagerly waiting for my turn to paint a masterpiece. I was just as enthused in the sandbox, building castles and cities all around me. As I grew throughout my childhood, my room was always my place to create, my area where I could build up the atmosphere around me, so I could simply be me. I do the same in my home to this day. Creating is a part of me.
In 2010, I discovered what many refer to as Prophetic Art… I like to call it “Co-Creating with God”. Which is basically expressing through some form of creative art, what Holy Spirit is stirring deep down inside, so it can then be shared with others. I get to create something that expresses a part of God and His beautiful ways, to enable another to discover the beauty in them… what if someone could look into a simple piece of art, and take in something the Lord has for them? It might be a touch of healing and direction to those that feel hurt or a little scattered, maybe a bit of encouragement and love to someone feeling alone, or a drop of courage and confirmation for those needing to press in to new places where they are meant to go beyond the norm… that's what I feel my art is meant to do. When we create from our God inside us, and it is shared with even the most
un-expectant person, it is inevitable that change will come… it is one of God’s ways He brings Heaven to Earth.
A little about Laura...
Laura’s love to be close with God is evident in the work she creates. Her paintings go deep, inviting the viewer to go deep within themselves to hear and receive what God wants to stir in them. Her work is spontaneous and inspired, rich in color, and her paintings carry proclamations of love, healing, freedom, and challenge. Her passion is to inspire something in each person who sees her work that will enlighten and encourage them to pursue deeper the unique workings of our Lord within each of them. She creates to release a bit of Heaven to every viewer.
Laura lives near Atlanta Georgia with her incredible husband Michael, who is a very creative person also. Together they enjoyed life raising their two wonderful children, Nicholas and Nicole. She's now a full-time artist, creating from her home studio. All her work is inspired by God and created through worship, and living close to God’s heart.